Our New Vice President
Please join us in welcoming our newest Vice President...
May 2019 Member Updates
Check out our latest updates here: https://mailchi.mp/af7ca16e60c9/may-2019-updates

HIPAA: Do Privacy Protections Exist in Dispensaries?
A pharmacy intern’s favorite topic: HIPAA!

2019 Vice President Nominations
Review the biographies of our nominees and vote by May 31, 2019!

Members Only: Journal Club #5: Cannabis Strain Genetics
You must be an active member to enjoy this post.

Members Only: Journal Club #4 Cannabis in Chronic Pain (Elderly)
You must be a member to view this post.
April 2019 Member Updates
Check the newsletter for the latest updates.

Journal Club #5: Genetic Misconceptions of Strains
Genetic Misconceptions of Strains with Anna Schwabe

MN Networking Event I
Join the Cannabis Pharmacists in MN with certifying provider; Dr. David Dodson. Topics for discussion include operating in a state when pharmacists provide dosing recommendations to cannabis, incorporating medical cannabis into pain management, and titrating other...
Safe Institutional Policies
ISCPh believes in the proper use and storage of medical Cannabis. We've released our official position statement to ensure safety and prevent diversion. Check out our Institutional Policy here!