Journal Club #7: Cannabis Claims
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Journal Club #6: Cannabis and Anesthesia
Check out the latest Journal Club Series. You must be an active member to view this post.

Patient Case Report 1: CRPS
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Journal Club #7 Cannabis Claims
Join us for our next Journal Club: Cannabis Claims with Dr. Katie Boatwright, PharmD and Morgan Sperry, PharmD. We will be discussing: Accuracy of Medical Marijuana Claims Made by Popular Websites July 29th and 6 pm EST/5 pm CST RSVP Here!
June 2019 Newsletter
Link here: https://mailchi.mp/69c3363026aa/june-cannabis-pharmacist-updates
Labeling Recommendations
Our Quality and Patient Safety and Clinical Practice and Research Committees are pleased to release our final position on Labeling. This is so important to our organization and profession to ensure quality and consistency for medical Cannabis products and...

Concentration 2019 – Terpenes & Testing
I went to Concentration 2019 (a.k.a. the Terpene and Testing Conference) that occurred at the end of May 2019 in Pala Resort, CA. It was an excellent conference overall and I met many amazing people and companies at the forefront of the US cannabis industry. In this...

Inside the Canna Industry I
Check out the first Inside the Canna Industry with Victoria Starr and Kareem Abdalla https://youtu.be/ULqdQT92jWc

Patient Case Report Series
s series will evaluate actual clinical recommendations for patients and assess the decision making process.

Journal Club #6: Cannabis and Anesthesia
Our next journal club, Cannabis and Anesthesia is set for June 19th at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST. We will be reviewing literature evaluating the effect of chronic cannabis use on anesthesia requirements. Check out this poster from Julie Gregg: Gregg_Cannabis_PosterDownload...